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Research Portal CMS



CERES Updates | April 2023

In coordination with the launch of CERES to replace InfoEd, the following updates have been made to the Research Portal:

  • Data previously sourced from InfoEd, such as Pending Proposals, is now from CERES.
  • The Pending Proposals list no longer displays proposals with a start date more than 90 days in the past.
  • Minor text updates were made to reflect CERES field names, e.g. replacing Institution Number with Proposal Number or Award Number
  • Budgeted Subaward Data is not available at this time. We hope to make it available again in the future.
  • Investigator access for sponsored proposals and awards previously relied on the Key Personnel indicator, which doesn’t exist on CERES award records. Sponsored access is now based solely on a user’s role, including the following:
    • PI
    • PD/PI
    • Co-Investigator
    • Co-I
    • Co-PD/PI
    • Financial Account PI
    • Faculty
    • Fellow
    • Senior Personnel

April 2021 Enhancements

The following enhancements have been made to the Research Portal:

  • Administrators can add investigators to a Favorites List, which will be displayed on their homepage by default (but you can toggle back to All Investigators at any time). To add or remove a favorite, click the text below an investigator’s photo on their Projects or People page.
  • On People page, only people paid in the past 6 months display by default (but you can toggle back to All at any time)
  • On People page, you can now email yourself a download of everyone’s salary details at once
  • Users who pass through SSO and MFA but do not have Research Portal access now see a helpful page with tips about how to get access

Blog Fall 2018 Enhancements

The following enhancements have been made to the Research Portal:

October 2018

  • Changed default sort order of sponsored expense categories to match Cognos reports
  • Made “Principal Investigator” the default view of the sponsored project list (you can still toggle to All Projects)
  • Removed “Beta” from the website header
  • Updated the labels of all “Download .XLSX” buttons to provide more detail about what information is available
  • Added a visual indicator that your login request is processing

November 2018

  • Changed the default sort order of non-sponsored expense categories to match Cognos reports
  • Added the Clinical Trial Balance for sponsored clinical trials (as seen on the GM095)
  • Added the Budget Carryforward and Total Expense Budget to the non-sponsored header information
  • Split out Account Code and Description on transaction export so you can more easily manipulate the data
  • Improved the behavior of the “Provide Feedback” button after submission

Research Portal Soft Launch Coming Soon!

The Northwestern Research Portal project has involved faculty and research administrators from across the University in an effort to design an intuitive window into research administration.

The first phase of the project, focused on financial information, will be made available this month to a select group of faculty and research administrators for use and feedback prior to the full first release to the University this fall.

Soft-launch participants will be contacted the week of June 6th.

Research Portal Release One Coming in August

Scheduled for a general release in mid-August 2016, the Research Portal includes financial data for sponsored and non-sponsored research accounts, organized by project. Think of it as online banking for your research projects.

Additional features will be added over the next two years. Future phases will include tools for managing the people you pay from your projects, research subject compliance information, and effort reporting.

First Release: Financial data for sponsored and non-sponsored research accounts

  • A list of a PI’s (or CO-I’s) sponsored and non-sponsored accounts, including budget/award amount, direct cost balance, and end date, as well as activity, with the ability to drill down to expense information and to add projected expenses that are not yet encumbered
  • Ability to download project-specific information, both inception-to-date and monthly, with a date range — including an entire project year
  • A list of pending proposals with the ability to mark proposals as “not funded”

Watch for more information soon!