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Access Denied Page

We’re sorry, but you do not appear to have permission to access the Research Portal.
Why is this happening?

Faculty: Faculty must have active sponsored projects, pending proposals, or non-sponsored projects assigned to them to get access to this system.

Staff: Staff must request access to Cognos BI Reporting sponsored projects. Please contact your department office for more information.

Temporary Employees: Temporary employees cannot access this system.

Non-Northwestern Employees: Users with Northwestern NetIDs who are not Northwestern employees (e.g. interns or NMH employees) cannot access this system.

All Users: Effective 8/31/17, users must have multi-factor authentication (MFA) set up in order to access the Research Portal. Visit the Northwestern Multi-factor Authentication page to learn more, including how to register.

Need Help?

Please contact the IT Support Center: 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or